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Penn State Cooperative Ext STEM Program

The Stackpole-Hall Foundation is prepared to assist those organizations and institutions designed to enhance the social welfare of the area.  In carrying out this mission, the Foundation provides matching money grants, seed money grants, partnership grants, and, under certain circumstances, operational grants to a host of educational, health care, cultural, youth development, social welfare, environmental, and community development needs.

The Foundation Trustees have established a policy, exceptions to which are very seldom made, designating the area of geographic priority to be Elk County, Pennsylvania, and communities in which the Donors, the Donors’ families, and the Trustees reside.

Requests for operating grants and endowment grants are deemed low priority, unless very unusual circumstances exist.

The Foundation does not make grants to individuals.

In accordance with the 1969 Tax Reform Act, the Foundation may only consider requests from organizations which qualify as:


  • ·        Exempt from federal income tax under section 501(c)(3)of the federal             tax code, and are classified as not being a  private foundation under             section 509 (a) of the federal tax code.

  • ·        Churches.

  • ·        Governmental Organizations.

NOTE:  The Stackpole-Hall Foundation Trustees meet four times each year to award grants. Grant proposals are due a month prior to the meeting at which they will be considered.  Grant proposal deadlines are typically January 1, April 1, July1, and October 1. Please call for verification of deadlines

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